(Repubblica Italiana / Italian Republic)
The government is formed by the Forza Italia (Italian Force) ; Alleanza Nazionale (National Alliance) ; Lega Nord (Northern League) and Centro Cristiano Democratico / Christian Democratic Centre |
Silvio Berlusconi - President of the Council of Ministers Born : September 29, 1936 in Milan Education/Profession : Studied law at the University of Milan. Formed Fininvest in 1975 which now controls Italy's three private Mediaset television stations and Mondadori, the biggest publishing house. Party : Forza Italia / Italian Force Political experience : Politically, Berlusconi's breakthrough came in 1993 when he founded Forza Italia (Go Italy), the chant of fans of Italy's national football team. In 1994, he won national elections and became prime minister in a coalition with the Lega Nord (Northern League) and Alleanza Nazionale (National Alliance). Resign seven months later. |
Gianfranco Fini - Vice -president of the Council of Ministers Born : 03 January 1952, Bologna Education/Profession : Secondary level studies at the state Lycée "Galvani" in Bologna; subsequently he attended "Laura Bassi" Higher Institute in Bologna, where he made a very good cursus. Party : AN (Alleanza Nazionale National Alliance) Political experience : National Secretary of the Youth Front,elected MP for the first time in june 83.From 87 to 90 he served as National Secretary of the Msi-dn, a post he held again in 91. In January 95, during the Fuggi congress,he was elected chairman of Alleanza Nazionale. During the 96 elections,he was elected MP for Rome consituency n°24; in 94 he was a European MP elected in 5 national consituencies. During the 97 elections he was elected as a community counsellor in Rome winning 62.883 votes. |
Gianni Letta - Vice State Secretary to the Chair of the Council of Ministers Born : in Avezzano (L'Aquila) on April 15, 1935 Education/Profession : Law degree. Correspondent to the Rai network TV and to 'Ansa dall' press agency Aquila until 1958, he then moved to Rome where he served as an editor in the daily "Il Tempo". In 1971 he served as an administrative manager of the same paper and following the death of its founder on August 16 agosto, 1973 he became executive manager of the Roman daily. Berlusconi's Collaborator first of all within the Fininvest and subsequently within Forza Italia. Party : Forza Italia / Italian Force Political experience : Vice State Secretary to the Chair of the Council, in the first Cavaliere's government. |
Paolo Bonaiuti - Vice State Secretary to the Chair of the Council of Ministers Born : 7 July 1940, Florence Education/Profession : Law degree. Journalist. Party : Forza Italia / Italian Force Political experience : 1996 Elected by a proportionnal representation system in the XIIth constituency of Toscana. |
Renato Ruggiero - Minister of Foreign Affairs Born : on 9 April 1930 in Naples Education/Profession : Graduated in law from the University of Naples in 1953. In 1995, was appointed Director-General of the World Trade Organization in Geneva and took office on 1 May 1995. Party : Political experience : Since then, much of his career has been as a professional diplomat, with postings in Sao Paulo, Moscow, Washington, Belgrade and Brussels. From 1969 to 1978, Mr. Ruggiero worked at the European Commission in Brussels, serving as the Chef de Cabinet of the President until 1973 and participating in the negotiations for the United Kingdom's accession to the European Community and for the European Economic and Monetary Union. He became Director-General for Regional Policy from 1973-1977, and Spokesman for the President of the European Commission, Mr. Roy (now Lord) Jenkins, in 1977. From 1978 to 1987, he was appointed to a series of senior positions in the Italian diplomatic service. In 1987, he was appointed Foreign Trade Minister and served in that post until 1991. |
Roberto Castelli - Minister of Justice Born : 12 July 1946, in Lecco Education/Profession : Graduated with a degree in mecanic engineering, owns a company involved in services. Party : Lega Nord / Northern League Political experience : He joined the Lega following its foundation then in 1988 he was elected chairman of the province assembly in Lecco.In 1990 he was elected as province counsellor, in Lecco where he served as leader of the League's group. He entered Parliament in 1992,when elected to the Chamber and was re-elected in 1994 in a majority college. In 1996 he moved to the Senate when elected in Lombardy 35th constituency (Lecco-Eastern Brianza). During the last legislature, on July 28,1998, he was appointed by president Mancino of the Senate as a member of the Rai Supervision comittee, on his parliamentary group's list, the Northern League. |
Giulio Tremonti - Minister of Economy and Finance Born : in Sondrio, on 18 August 1947 Education/Profession : Law degree. Lawyer, university teacher. University Professor, lawyer to the Supreme Court of Appeal and assistant professor in fiscal Law at the Law faculty from Pavia University. Party : Forza Italia / Italian Force Political experience : During the 94 elections he was elected as a MP on Patto Segni's list in Lombardy. From 96 he joined Forza Italia. He is a distinguished lawgiver since the first Berlusconi's government passed a law bearing his name and tending to alleviate tax charges for the firms reinvesting their profits. |
Antonio Martino - Minister of Defense Born : 22 December 1942, Messina Education/Profession : Law degree from the University of Messina. Economist and university professor. Party : Forza Italia / Italian Force Political experience : From May 11, 1994 to January 18, 1995 he served as Foreign Minister in the government presided by Silvio Berlusconi. He was already a MP in the XIIth legislature, in 96 he ran again on a Forza Italia list and was re-elected by a proportionnal representation system in XXVth constituency of SICILY 2. From Feb. 22,1995 he chaired the Italian Group of Interparliamentary Union.Since September 25,1998 he was a member of the IIId Standing Foreign Commission. |
Claudio Scajola - Minister Home Affairs Born : in Imperia , on 15th of January 1948 Education/Profession : Graduated from a classic high school. Civil servant to Inpdap from 1972. He served as Chairman of the Usl in Imperia from 1980 to 1983. He served as mayor of Imperia from 1990 to 1995. Party : Forza Italia / Italian Force Political experience : 1996 he was elected by a majority vote in the Xth constituency of Liguria. He was a member of the executive of his parliamentary group.During the May 13, 2001 elections by a majority vote in the 2d constituency-Imperia and by a proportional representation in two constituencies. |
Maurizio Gasparri - Minister of Communications Born : in Roma on July 18, 1956 Education/Profession : Secondary level degree. Vocationnal journalist and served as co-director of the daily "Secolo d'Italia". Party : AN (Alleanza Nazionale National Alliance) Political experience : He started his political activities in the Front for Youth, and in the universitary Fuan-Destra. He was a national chairman of both organizations.In 1988, when Fini first became secretary of the Msi, Gasparri is called to the political bureau. In 1992 he was first electedto the House of deputies, on Msi's lists and was re-elected in 1994 by a majority vote. In 1994 he joined the Berlusconi's government as a vice state secretary of Home Affairs.In 1995 he was appointed coordinator of AN's political executive. In 1996 he was re-elected by a proportionnal representation and became vice chairman of AN's parliamentary group. During the May 13 elections he was re-elected to the House by a proportionnal representation in Calabria. |
Antonio Marzano - Minister of the Producductive Sector Born : in Roma, on February 18, 1935 Education/Profession : Law degree; universitary teacher in economic and financial politics. He is much experienced as a councillor in administration. He was also a member of the Board of the Savings-bank of Rome, of the Banca di Roma, and the Banco di Sicilia, and the Agip Nuclear. Party : Forza Italia / Italian Force Political experience : Economic head of Forza Italia, he was already named as Minister of Transportation in Dini's government, a post then declined as a matter of solidarity with Silvio Berlusconi. MP for Forza Italia in 1996, he chaired during the last legislature the bicameral commission on the State Budget Reform and he was a member of the Draghi committe on privitizations. |
Roberto Maroni - Minister of Labor and Health Born : on March 5, 1955 in Varese Education/Profession : Law degree Party : Lega Nord / Northern League Political experience : Elected by a proportional representation in the IIId constituency of Lombardy 1, on a Lega nord list. Elected MP on May 6, 1996.The election was confirmed on April 16, 1997. Member of the parliamentary group Lega nord for the independence of Padania. Already an MP in the XIth and XIIth legislatures. Member of the assembly for the grant of judicial process in the June 96 case. Member of the XIVth standing commission on EU politics in July '98. Member of the parliamentary committee for trial in the June 96 case. Member of the parliamentary commission for constitutionnal reforms in February 97. |
Dr.Gerolamo Sirchia - Minister of Health Born : 14 September 1933, in Milan Education/Profession : Graduated in medicine and surgery from Milan University in 1958. A specialist in internal medicine and in immunohaematology. Free lance teacher in medical semeiotics and in haematology. In 1956 he served in the Maggiore Policlinico Hospital of Milan (Clinica Medica). In 1973 he served as Head of the Transfusion and immunology Center for transplants. Party : Political experience : In 1999 he became deputy mayor to Milan comunity in an assembly ruled by Gabriele Albertini. |
Giuliano Urbani - Minister for Cultural Goods Born : in Perugia, on 9 July 1937 Education/Profession : Graduated in Political Science which he still studies and teaches both in English and French. He published his first essay at 29 and completed a noteworthy academic cursus ever since. He worked as a columnist with "Il Giornale", "Il Corriere della Sera", "Il Messaggero", "La Stampa", "Il Mondo" and "Il Sole 24 Ore". From 1976 to 1988 he was a member of the Confindustria center for study. He chaired and collaborated with several institutes for study and as an assistant professor in Political science at the Bocconi University in Milan and served as scientific director to the Luigi Einaudi Center in Torino. Party : Forza Italia / Italian Force Political experience : First elected as MP on March 27, 1994. He joined Berlusconi's first government that very same year as a minister for Public Service and Regional Affairs. In 1996 he was re-elected on Forza Italia's proportional lists. During the legislature he was with Tremonti, the author of a law project on reform of the electoral system with a proportional representation like the German system including a 5% barrier , constructive no -confidence motions and rules against overthrow. During the May 13 last elections he was elected by a majority vote in Lombardy, in Vimercate constituency. |
Altero Matteoli - Minister of Environment and preservation of the territory Born : in Cecina, Livorno province, on 8 of September 1940 Education/Profession : Graduated in accountancy, business administration. Party : AN (Alleanza Nazionale/ National Alliance) Political experience : Community Counsellor of Castelnuovo in Garfagnana and Livorno, first elected MP in 1983 on Msi-Dn lists to which he served as a regional secretary for Tuscany, member of the political bureau entrusted with the planning department. Re-elected in the same constituency in 1987 and in 1992. In 1994, following the electoral victory of the right-center, Berlusconi wants him in his government as a minister of environment. During the May 13 elections, he ran for la Casa delle Libertà in the 23d constituency of Tuscany (Lucca), and was elected. |
Letizia Moratti - Minister of Public Education, university and scientific research Born : Education/Profession : She was born from a genovese family who fouded in 1873 the first secured stockbroker company in Italy. She attended in Milan the "Collegio delle fanciulle"(high school for girls) and completed her studies in the "Statale" where she graduated at 23 in Political Science and became an assistent in Communal Law. At 25 she founded the Gpa, a stockbroker company which turned leader in the Italian market. In'90 she joined the Comit Board of Directors that he left in 94. In '94, with the Berlusconi's government, she was appointed chairwoman of the Rai, an office she held until 96. Late in 98,and for about a year, Letizia Moratti became chairwoman and deputy manager for News Corp Europe, a branch from the Murdoch's group in Stream. Currently she rules GoldenEgg, a society financing business firms involved in the tlc and the multimedia fields. Party : Political experience : Minister of Education. |
Giovanni Alemanno - Minister of Agrarian and forestry Policy Born : on 3 of March 1958, in Bari Education/Profession : BSc degree. Businessman Party : AN (Alleanza Nazionale/ National Alliance) Political experience : He had an early involvment in politics, within youth organizations from the Msi-Dn and became a province Roman secretary of the Front for Youth and then a national secretary. In 1984 and in 1989 he ran for the administration elections in the community of Rome. In 1990 he was elected to the regional Council of Latium. In 1994 il salto in Parlamento, eletto alla Camera al maggioritario, nel collegio 19 della circoscrizione Lazio 1. Nel 1996 viene rieletto alla Camera nel proporzionale. Alle recenti elezioni del 13 maggio, è rieletto alla Camera nel maggioritario nel collegio 21 della circoscrizione Roma 1. |
Pietro Lunardi - Minister of Infrastructure and transportation Born : in 1938 Education/Profession : Engineer, an international expert in the field of gallery and metropolitan. He has worked over 30 years in those fields in Italy and abroad. He was among the protagonists of the Mount Blanc tunnel and the Frejus, he has realized metropolitan lines in Lyons and Marseille, in Singapore and Canton and also in Rome, under Rutelli's government.He founded in 1979 the Rocksoil spa, involved in the fielkd of great public works and tunnelling. Party : Political experience : Minister of Infrastructure and transportation |
Giuseppe Pisanu -
Minister for Actualization
Program Born :
in Ittiri (Sassari), 2 January
1937 Education/Profession
Degree in agrarian science ;
public business administration manager. Party : Forza Italia /
Italian Force Political experience
He served at the head of
Democrazia Cristiana and chief executive of DC's political
bureau from 1975 to 1980,with Benigno Zaccagnini as a
secretary. He was elected on a DC's list uninterruptedly to
Parliament from 1972 to 1992 when he did not run for
candidate again. In the 80's he was deputy state secretary
to the Treasury and Defence in Forlani's government, in
Spadolini's, and in the 5th and 6th Fanfani's government as
well as in Goria's government. During the May 13 elections
he was re-elected, by a proportional representation.
Franco Frattini -
Minister for Civil
Service Born :
in Roma, on 14 of march 1957 Education/Profession
Law degree from La Sapienza
University of Rome. A jurist, magistrate, and Ciampi's
counsellor to the Treasury. He is a technician committed to
politics. Party : Forza Italia /
Italian Force Political experience :
In 1984 he served as State
Attorney General, State Prosecutor and a Magistrate to the
T.A.R in Piemonte where he remained until his appointment as
a State Cousellor on a public entrance examination in
1986.Ciampi's counsellor to the Treasury, in 1993 he was
appointed Vice secretary to the Presidency of the Council of
Ministers and in 1994,when he was only 37, he became the
General Secretary of the Presidency of the Council. In 95 he
was a "baby-minister" for Civil Service in Dini's
Government. In 1996, he was elected to Parliament on a Forza
Italia's list and subsequently he was appointed Chairman of
the Parliamentary Comittee entrusted with the Information
and security department and State Secrecy. He is a member of
the Board of Forza Italia ans is a Coordinator for regional
institutionnal matters of the pole. Rocco Buttiglione -
Minister for Communal
Policy Born :
6 June1948, in Gallipoli Education/Profession
Law degree. University teacher.
Assistant Professor in philosophy of politics at Teramo
University and member of the Pontificia accademy of social
sciences. Speaks and writes 6 languages fluently (English,
French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Polish). Party : Political experience
His poitical background is that
of the catholic world and he got involved in the DC's
activities ever since the Tangentopoli events. He was an
activist within the Ppi of which he was elected as a
national secretary in the July 1994 Congress. Following the
July 1995 secession, he founded and ruled the Cdu (Cristiani
democratici uniti/United Chritian Democrats) under a
guidance- line of recombining the democratic-christian
field which led him to launch in 2000 the
"Biancofiore"(white flower) project which he headed along
with Pier Ferdinando Casini from the Ccd. An MP in the XIIth
legislature and European MP. Lucio Stanca -
Minister for Technologic Innovation
Born :
20 October 1941 in Lucera (Foggia province) Education /Profession :
Degree in economics from the Bocconi. In 1968 he worked
within the IBM group. Assistent to the Chairman of Ibm
Corporation between 80 and 83 and served as trade manager.
In January 1987 he became deputy general manager for
marketing and services ands in November of the same year he
was general manager of the" central area " to IBM Europe. On
November 5, 1992 Stanca became vice president of IBM
Corporation. Party : Political experience :
Minister for Technologic
Innovation Enrico La Loggia -
Minister for Regional
Affairs Born :
In Agrigento, on February
25,1947 Education/Profession
Law degree. Lawyer, university
teacher Party : Forza Italia /
Italian Force Political experience :
In 1985 he was elected as a
comunity counsellor of Palermo and in 1987 he was a
councillor for entertainment and cultural goods and
subsequently a councillor for heritage. In 1994 he joined
Forza Italia and was elected as a senator in Palermo-Capaci
constituency. He was then elected Whip party of Forza Italia
to the Senate. During the 1996 elections, La Loggia was
re-elected in the same costituency and confirmed as his
party Whip at the Senate. On May 13, 2001 he was re-elected
in the same constituency in Sicily in where the Casa delle
Libertà won most of the constituencies by a majority
vote. Stefania Prestigiacomo -
Minister for Equality
Chance Born : in Siracusa, on 16 of
December 1966 Education/Profession
B.A in
businesswoman Party : Forza Italia /
Italian Force Political experience
At 23, she chaired a group of
young businessmen in her hometown of Siracusa, at 27 she was
elected to the House of Deputies and became the youngest
minister in the history of the republic. During the last
legislature she held the post of deputy Whip of Forza Italia
at the House. Mirko Tremaglia -
Minister for Italians
Abroad Born :
in Bergamo, on November 17, 1926 Education/Profession :
Law degree. Lawyer Party : AN (Alleanza
Nazionale/ National Alliance) Political experience :
He joined the Italian Social
Movement in 1946 and in 1948 he was elected to the Central
Comittee. In 1954 he was a member of the Directory Board and
in 1972 he was entrusted with the department of Foreign
Policy of the party. Comunity Councillor of Bergamo and in
1972 he was first elected as a MP,on the MSI lists in
Brescia-Bergamo constituency where he would be re-elected in
the following legislatures (1976, 1979, 1983, 1987, 1992).
In 1994, during the first elections under the new system, he
was elected to the House of Deputies on AN's proportionnal
lists and in 1996 by a majority vote , still in Bergamo.
During the May 13 elections he was re-elected by a majority
vote in the same costituency. Umberto Bossi - Minister
for Institutionnal Reforms Born : on September 19,1941
in Cassano Magnago Education/Profession :
University of Pavia. Party : Lega Nord / Northern
League Political experience
: He started his
political career in the late 70's following a meeting with
Bruno Salvadori at the university of Pavia.The historical
leader of the Union Valdotaine gets him acquainted with
autonomy issues. He quit before graduating in the early 80's
along with Giuseppe Leoni and Roberto Maroni.In 1983 he
fonded the Lega Lombarda of which he became a secretary.
From the "unione" resulting from a strong will o his, and
along with other leagues from other northern regions, he
founded in 1989 the Lega Nord and was appointed as its
Federal Secretary and still holds the office. First elected
senator in 1987. During the 1992 elections,he was elected as
a MP and confirmed in his election in 1994 and in 1996. In
1989 and in 1994 he was elected as a European MP. Member of
the XIVth standing Commission on EU politics. Carlo Giovanardi -
Minister for Relationship with Parliament Born : on 15 of January
1950, in Modena Education/Profession : Law
degree; lawyer Party : CCD (Centro
Cristiano Democratico / Christian Democratic Centre) Political experience : He
began his political activity in 1969 within the Democrazia
cristiana. He served as a community counsellor in Modena,
regional counsillor and Whip party cousellor for the CD in
Emilia Romagna. First elected MP in April 1992 on CD's lists
and was among the founders of the Centro cristiano
democratico, two years later. Re-elected as a MP in March
1994, he was reconfirmed in May 1996 and during the last
political elections. He held the post of chairman of the
CCD's parliamentary group and that of deputy chairman of the
House of Deputies.